Thursday, September 22, 2022


While the interior design is not the best, I love the floor plan of this house. 







  1. Ah Sis! Another gorgeous house this one really reminds me of you. This is a setting where I can easily picture you any time of day. You put so much "feel" into your houses, I want to step right in and enjoy all the nooks and crannies, Thank you for keeping up with sharing all your beauties. I will hopefully soon be back on track. Life is a turmoil for me right now.

    1. I miss you so much and I can't wait for you to come back!

      I do understand the 'turmoil' though, I've so much in the last few weeks to last a lifetime. This is my only escape, although it's generally very brief.

      I' m always happy that you like my builds, I actually deleted a lot of content from this house in order to keep the file smaller.

      Just get back when you can, I will be here ❤️

  2. In which neighborhood did you build the house? And the lot?

  3. Villanell was built in Tartosa on the Villa Vigna plot, overlooking the lighthouse
    Sorry for some reason I can't take a screenshot!

    1. thank you so much! Now I can place it and walk around in it. Love the house.
