Wednesday, January 27, 2021

New Update

 I am happy to say that I now have the other  (old) graphics card installed in my pc.

Due to covid-19 and the world wide restrictions on movement, I struggle to find a replacement for the card I lost. All the reputable computer stores ran out of stock.

So I have one on back order, hope I do not have to wait for too long. And hopefully the current card will keep working until then. I was able to playtest a little and so far I found it not to be too bad.

I lost my steam a bit when I ran into trouble, and I lost my creative feel. I need to get back into the groove to finish the Winter Owl Set, and to make a good job of it. I am actually excited to share the set with you.

Here is a sneak peek of what I have finished so far. Hope you like it. 


  1. Happy to see you back Sis!
    Hopefully you don't have to wait too long for your new card

    I love the new set, it looks fabulous ❤️

    1. Thank you Sis!! I appreciate. I will hopefully be able to finish the set soon. I have lost some steam, but will hopefully pick it up soon.
