Sunday, January 31, 2021


 I know for many lock down is just a way of life now, but where I live, we have been extremely lucky and have lived mostly normal lives with few restrictions.  

Yesterday we went into full lock down for 5 days (which may be extended) due to a quarantine officer contracting the UK strain of the disease while doing his job.  He didn't even come into contact with the person who came into my state from overseas, which is really scary.

After 8 weeks break, school was supposed to resume today, naturally this has been cancelled.

I care full time for my grandchildren aged 7 and 3 and having to stay home full time is unheard of for these kids!

You probably think, what's the big deal..........we have been protected fiercely by the leader of our state, which has allowed us to live freely and now we have temporarily, lost that privilege  😢 

😷<--------- help I can't breathe!


  1. I completely understand how you feel. We have been on some level lockdown since March last year. Being at home makes it bearable, but going into town to do the necessary shopping is a huge challenge. I hate wearing the mask, feels like I am suffocating in my own breathing, though I have one with a filter. Which is supposed to make you breath better, but I don't feel it. I make as quick as possible to get it done so I an get back home to take it off.
    Our children had to start school today, but not all the schools are open. most of the schools do the lessons on Zoom. So the kids needs to be super disciplined. So unnatural. My heart brakes for them.
    Both my sons had contracted the virus last year. I am so grateful to say that they both recovered. Though the eldest is suffering from the "long covid" now. Being fatigued every day, irrespective of how long he sleeps. I can only pray that this will blow over, and life can return to normal again.

  2. Sis I know how hard it's been for you, particularly as 2 of your sons have contracted this horrible disease and that's why I feel guilty complaining about my 5 day lock down.
    We hear about Covid every single day and not having had many cases here, it's like an alien visiting my home 👽

    1. It is a scary scary thing!! I fully understand your feelings about it. I wish we could wake up one morning and hear that the world has returned to the way it was before......
      All the best for you and the kids. I hope you are able to keep them busy. We hears last night that that S A has received the first batch of vaccines to b rolled out in phases. Our health care workers will be among the first to receive it. I just have a terrible and uneasy feeling about it... what if the strain mutates again? What if this makes one sicker than just having the virus? I am worried about it a lot!

  3. Sis I agree with you but, the positive side of me thinks about the diseases that have been eradicated in the Bubonic plague for one.
    Surely with the technology that is available today, the world should be able to beat it.
    Australia had no new cases today........pure relief!

    LOL I had to go to the supermarket today, put on my 👄, then donned my mask. Suddenly it hit me.......what a dork I am! 🤣
